Since July we have shifted our focus to the Ebola crisis and funded seven community based projects, five in the crisis epicenter area in Kailahun District, Sierra Leone, and two in the West Point community of Monrovia, Liberia.
“Our approach has always been direct partnership with the people. They identify the needs, say what they will do for themselves, and we do what they cannot do,” said retired USA Major General Fredric Leigh, TPF Executive Director, and Chief Operating Officer of KTA Global Partners, a TPF Strategic Partner. “We plan jointly and the people lead the implementation and measure the outcomes guided by our TPF team.”
As a coalition member of the Ebola Survivor Fund, co-founded by the award winning actor, Jeffrey Wright, Chairman of Taia Peace Foundation, TPF has just received funds for five community based projects, three in Sierra Leone and two in Liberia.
These projects focus on containing the spread of the Ebola virus, recovery from the crisis consequences affecting agriculture and food security, assistance to stigmatized families, and education assistance for orphaned children as schools prepare to reopen.
Penguia Chiefdom in Sierra Leone, situated in the Ebola outbreak area near Meliandou Village in Guinea, is the recipient of funding to support food security recovery resulting from low crop production due to the Ebola crisis. Funded also is support for women farmers in the neighboring Yawei Chiefdom. The third Sierra Leone project supports the Penguia Youth Association 24-7 Task Force that helps control ingress/egress at the borders. In Liberia, Lower Bong County project funding fights the EVD through awareness and sensitization in a remote area, and Vision for Tomorrow is funded to address recovery gaps in West Point, Monrovia, Grand Cape Mount and Bomi counties.
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