jeudi 19 mars 2015

How the Bermuda Triangle Works

 The Bermuda Triangle covers roughly 500,000 square miles in the Atlantic Ocean.
You won't find it on any official map and you won't know when you cross the line, but according to some people, the Bermuda Triangle is a very real place where dozen of ships, planes and people have disappeared with no good explanation. Since a magazine first coined the phrase "Bermuda Triangle" in 1964, the mystery has continued to attract attention.

What will Earth look like in 500 years?

What will the 26th century look like?
If you could travel back in time five centuries, you'd encounter a thriving Aztec empire in Central Mexico, a freshly painted "Mona Lisa" in Renaissance Europe and cooler temperatures across the Northern Hemisphere.

mercredi 18 mars 2015

The longer babies breastfeed, the more they achieve in life – major study

Children who had been breastfed for 12 months had an IQ that was four points higher than those breastfed for less than a month, researchers found.  

Brazilian study of 6,000 babies from all backgrounds since 1982 finds those who breastfed were more intelligent, spent longer in education and earned more

China sets goal of hosting World Cup with master plan for football

Chinese fans of David Beckham. The government in Beijing has announced plans to boost the country's standing in international football.
Chinese fans of David Beckham.
Beijing lays out sweeping blueprint, endorsed by football-loving president, to take game to the masses and become internationally competitive.

What is development journalism?

What is development journalism?

Middle:H.E Paul Kagame, The president of the Rwandan Republic
As issues facing the developing world grow ever more complex and difficult, the task of good journalism should be to throw light on them;
When Jamaican journalist Andrea Downer spotted a little boy washing her car windscreen at the traffic lights in Kingston, she found he belonged to a family network of beggars.